WiFi HID Injector – An USB Rubberducky / BadUSB On Steroids
WiFi HID Injector for Fun & Profit
Just plug it in an USB port and connect to the WiFi network:
SSID “Exploit”
Password “DotAgency”
Open a web browser pointed to ““
The default administration username is “admin” and password “hacktheplanet”.
For cool payloads or more info check the Wiki or the Payloads directory.
Documentation WIKI
I HEAVILY RECOMMEND TO READ IT ALL! https://github.com/whid-injector/WHID/wiki
Third-Party Softwares Compatible with WHID’s Hardware
https://github.com/whid-injector/WHID/tree/master/ESPloitV2_whid (Improved version of WHID GUI, installed by default on Cactus WHID hardware)
https://github.com/sensepost/USaBUSe (Dedicated software for AirGap bypass Vs Windows)
https://github.com/spacehuhn/wifi_ducky (old software similar to ESPloitV2)
Package contains:
- Cactus WHID x 1
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